Cosmic Inclusion! Yoga & Sound Healing with Zaria Rochester

Cosmic Inclusion! Yoga & Sound Healing with Zaria Rochester

Each of us belongs right where we find ourselves. Yoga teaches us that we are made of the elements and that we are unified by the subtle primary substance, or Akasha. Join Zaria in an exploration of yourself as a Being of Life Force and Sound and an invitation into your resonant brilliance!

Eligible for one YA credit

Zaria is a queer mystic, lifelong student of the mystery and lover of the Vedic Healing Arts & Sciences. In her work and sharing she weaves together visions of a liberated world through teachings and practices that integrate perspectives from yoga, Ayurveda, Jyotish (Vedic Astrology), and The Akashic Records. With a passion for humanitarian ideals and practical mysticism, Zaria seeks to help transform the world in ways that help awaken humanity to its True Nature and its role in the biosphere, inviting in a new paradigm for humanity and its relationship to Earth.